Monday, October 31, 2011

Volunteers Requested

Dear All:

I would like to offer 5 free love letters (one per person for five different people).  If you need help putting your love into words.  I will do it for you free of charge for one free hand written love letter not to exceed 500 words.  If you would like to be one of my lucky in love five just e-mail me at lovelettersforyou1@gmail.

Feel the Love.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

When is There Going to Be a Time for Love

I was listening to Stevie Wonder sing this song "When is there going to be a time for love?"  What a question.  At this time our country is at war in two countries and giving out check-ups to other countries too.  The majority of Americans are experiencing economic challenges of some variety.  Our educational system is broken.  People are going just a little crazier every few years.  And I like Stevie, do wonder when is there going to be a time for love?

They say the only thing that can truly overcome hate is love.  Love can start or end a war.  Love can build a house and make a home.  Love is the highest form of faith.  Unconditional love is simple it is acceptance just the way you are right now.  You don't have to change your hair, get rich, lose ten pounds- I love you just the way you are right now, in this moment. Isn't that beautiful?  You are loved and you do matter.  The time for change is now.  The time for love is now.  I have faith in God and God is love.  I have faith in Love.  Love can never be defeated.  Never.

If you haven't lately, tell someone you love them today. Now is the time to share your love with the world.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Love Letters in Memory of Missed Opportunity

My Love,

As I lay across my bed I recall a particular night.  We were both out with our own friends and still ended up at the same event at The Mill in Piedmont park.  Remember The Mill? It was a music event, naturally.  I had just introduced you to my closest cousin, he has passed away since then, did I tell you?  What I most sweetly recall about that night was the moment as I turned to walk away from you.  Then you reached out and ran your fingers through my hair. 
I tingled all over my entire body to feel the tips of your fingers on my scalp.  Oh, how delicious it felt as I walked away to feel your fingers combing through my long dread locks.  I remember feeling my hair fall gently against my waist at the end of your caress.  I turned and smiled a tiny, sexy, "just for you smile."  In that moment I felt your deep longing for me.  It was so unexpected.  I was surprised that you could express yourself so well with a gesture that no one else apparently saw.  What you didn't see was how I slowed my gate to savor your touch in that moment.  In a busy crowd I closed my eyes so I could focus on your touch and how it made me feel.  I ignored my cousin then, even though I did whisper to him later, "that's the guy I was telling you about." I flipped my hair seductively when I turned to smile at you over my shoulder.  If eyes could touch...mine would have been kissing you then.  Recalling the expression on your face, I would have been kissed in return. I absolutely burned with desire for you.  I still do.  Now it makes sense to me when I listen to Sade sing Love is Stronger than Pride. Frankly, there is nothing I wouldn't do for you to this day. We never talked about that moment.  As much as I felt your longing then, I feel my own longing for you now.  That is one of many moments between us that haunt me still. I regret that I didn't run back and kiss you good bye that night, Lord knows I wanted to.  Holding back my tears now, trying to decide, which is sadder missed opportunity or lost love?  I don't know, My Love. 

I still miss and long for you.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Love for Sale: Handwritten Love Letters for You

Shall we start at the beginning? (meaningful pause while waiting for your answer... you nod) I agree with you. I love love, I love everything about love. I love being in love. I love living in love. Love really does conquer all. So I have added to my many endeavors a love letter writing service. I am currently obsessed with writing romantic lists, poems and verses. I will list just one of the examples as I will be presenting this list to someone I have always been in love with so I can't give this love to everyone. I like it so much I am willing to share just a little.

"List of Ten Lovely Things About You:

1: The way the warm amber color of your eyes looks so intently and crackles like flames."

ok, one more.

"2: The raspy deepness of your voice when you whisper my name in my ear."

I have to stop there, I didn't tell you what else he was doing when he whispered in my ear. (audible sigh)

Since there are all kinds of love, I write all kinds of love letters, not just romantic-though that is my favorite. Other types of love letters I can write include:

Parental Love


Sibling Love

Agape Love

Sexual Love (Lust really)

I can write letters in any of these areas. I will write a sensuous, tender, or family related love letter for anyone who would like to purchase one.

Letter rates start at $10 for 250 words or less and go up to $ 50 depending on the length of the letter and what other support you would like from me.

Just e-mail me at and give me some background information on your unique love situation and tell me the type of letter you would like to purchase. I will give you my paypal information once I hear from you and we will go forward once your payment has been made. You will have an opportunity to edit your letter with me. I want to make sure I conveys the feelings you specifically want to share with that special person. After that I will hand write the letter and mail it for you. This is a very "touchy-feeling" art form for me so we may actually speak by phone once or twice before the letter goes out. I believe in that personal touch which is why we may speak by phone. I am offering you sincere and effective customer service along with wonderfully romantic letters. I look forward to hearing from you.

Here's to love!

Carmela "So In Love" Pattillo

Missrepresentation the Film

Did you watch this film on OWN last night?  It was quite an eye opener.  The media has sooooo much control of our lives.  I now really understand that bumper sticker that says kill your television. 

Women aren't feeling the love.  I have been trying to put my finger on it for years and after seeing this film I know what the problem is now.  The representations of women are inhumane, totally dehumanizing.  Women are depicted as bodies only and any woman who has a brain, an opinion or anything outside of this manufactured idea of women is a bitch, a shrew trying to be a man.  I get it.  I get it.  I totally get it.  *bing,bing, bing*  We have to arm ourselves and our children with media literacy.  I have to find a book about this and teach my sons not to be those men that don't stand up for women.  I have to teach them to be the men that know a woman's worth is not her body or just her ability to give him a family.  I have to teach these sons of mine that a woman, just like him, has hopes and dreams of her own that don't revolve around his hopes and dreams.  OMG.  I hope they show it again.  If you didn't see it last night check your listing to see when it is coming on again.  You must see this film. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I don't feel the love today and I do feel the love today but it ain't easy

I haven't written in a couple of days because I don't feel the love right now.  I feel the anger about the lack of love, trust, and honesty in my experience right now.  So I am working through that.  Reminding myself to breath.  Reminding myself not to blame others and to take full responsibility for what I have allowed and forgive myself and if need be the other person.  Ok, so I am feeling the love because I am taking care of myself.  It is just not the easy, sweet, parts of loving.  It is the harder parts of love.  Forgiveness is love but it ain't easy, not even close.  And forgiving myself?  Ha!  I find that applying love to myself in that way to be one of the more difficult things I do in my life.  So this love letter is to me and I take it back I feel the love today, it just ain't easy love to feel.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Every Now and Then

Every now and then I think of something I love about you, man.  It just crossed my mind that I love to watch you work.  Sitting at your laptop on your desk with no shoes on.  Your toes reveal how involved you are in your doings.  Massaging the white tiles of the floor with your big and second toe while you type.  I admire the beauty of the skin on your feet.  It dawns on me that women work really hard to get feet that smooth and you just have them.  "What kind of lotion does he use?" I ask myself.  If it will make my feet smooth like that I have got to get some of what he is using.  It seems so effortless for you.  Makes me think of the little piggies game I used to play with my six year old's toes when he was younger and I laugh. Pretty toes and smooth skin.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Today I Want to Express My Love for Nature

Today's love poem is dedicated to nature.

Rat on the Marta Train Track by LoveletterladyC

Little mouse, little mouse, living at your MARTA house.  I don't see you every day, I see you when I'm on my way.  Waiting for the train to come I see I have 6 minutes to stay.  So I stand and look down in the cut at the rails like so what.  I always check just to see if I can find my little buddy.  Saw you today and smiled to see you hunting for a snack to eat.  City mouse or country rat I don't know.  Though I like to watch you go, go, go.  Zip, hop, climb and sniff. You never seem to mind the trips of humans passing by so near. I hear the train whistle and quickly you disappear.

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Friday, October 14, 2011

Love for Sale: Handwritten Love Letters for You

Shall we start at the beginning? (meaningful pause while waiting for your answer... you nod) I agree with you. I love love, I love everything about love. I love being in love. I love living in love. Love really does conquer all. So I have added to my many endeavors a love letter writing service. I am currently obsessed with writing romantic lists, poems and verses. I will list just one of the examples as I will be presenting this list to someone I have always been in love with so I can't give this love to everyone. I like it so much I am willing to share just a little.

"List of Ten Lovely Things About You:

1: The way the warm amber color of your eyes looks so intently and crackles like flames."

ok, one more.

"2: The raspy deepness of your voice when you whisper my name in my ear."

I have to stop there, I didn't tell you what else he was doing when he whispered in my ear. (audible sigh)

Since there are all kinds of love, I write all kinds of love letters, not just romantic-though that is my favorite. Other types of love letters I can write include:

Parental Love


Sibling Love

Agape Love

Sexual Love (Lust really)

I can write letters in any of these areas. I will write a sensuous, tender, or family related love letter for anyone who would like to purchase one.

Letter rates start at $10 for 250 words or less and go up to $ 50 depending on the length of the letter and what other support you would like from me.

Just e-mail me at and give me some background information on your unique love situation and tell me the type of letter you would like to purchase. I will give you my paypal information once I hear from you and we will go forward once your payment has been made. You will have an opportunity to edit your letter with me. I want to make sure I conveys the feelings you specifically want to share with that special person. After that I will hand write the letter and mail it for you. This is a very "touchy-feeling" art form for me so we may actually speak by phone once or twice before the letter goes out. I believe in that personal touch which is why we may speak by phone. I am offering you sincere and effective customer service along with wonderfully romantic letters. I look forward to hearing from you.

Here's to love!

Carmela "So In Love" Pattillo